
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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1 117 118 119 120 121 1243
Prio Chaîne originale Traduction
It's a good idea to test your mailing by sending it to yourself and/or aselected group of people in your organization. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It's a good idea to test your mailing by sending it to yourself and/or aselected group of people in your organization.

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Statut :
non traduite
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It looks there are enough spaces in this event for your group (you will notbe wait listed). Registration for this event requires approval. You willreceive an email once your registration has been reviewed. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks there are enough spaces in this event for your group (you will notbe wait listed). Registration for this event requires approval. You willreceive an email once your registration has been reviewed.

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Statut :
non traduite
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It looks like you may have posted and / or distributed the flash version ofthe Contribution widget. We won't be supporting the flash version in nextrelease. You should try and get all sites using the flash widget to updateto the improved HTML widget code below as soon as possible. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you may have posted and / or distributed the flash version ofthe Contribution widget. We won't be supporting the flash version in nextrelease. You should try and get all sites using the flash widget to updateto the improved HTML widget code below as soon as possible.

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Statut :
non traduite
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It looks like you are registering more participants then there are spacesavailable. All participants will be added to the waiting list. You will benotified if spaces become available. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are registering more participants then there are spacesavailable. All participants will be added to the waiting list. You will benotified if spaces become available.

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Statut :
non traduite
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It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed). Registration forthis event requires approval. You will receive an email once yourregistration has been reviewed. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed). Registration forthis event requires approval. You will receive an email once yourregistration has been reviewed.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed). Please go back tothe main registration page and reduce the number of additional people. Youwill also need to complete payment information. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed). Please go back tothe main registration page and reduce the number of additional people. Youwill also need to complete payment information.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are now registering a group of %1 participants. The eventhas %2 available spaces (you will not be wait listed).

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It looks like you are already waitlisted for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've received this message inerror, please contact the site administrator. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are already waitlisted for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've received this message inerror, please contact the site administrator.

Vous devez vous connecter pour modifier cette traduction.


Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
It looks like you are already registered for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've received this message inerror, please contact the site administrator. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are already registered for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've received this message inerror, please contact the site administrator.

Vous devez vous connecter pour modifier cette traduction.


Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
It looks like you are already registered for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've gotten this message inerror, please contact the site administrator. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are already registered for this event. If you want tochange your registration, or you feel that you've gotten this message inerror, please contact the site administrator.

Vous devez vous connecter pour modifier cette traduction.


Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It looks like you are already registered for this event.  You may proceedif you want to create an additional registration. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like you are already registered for this event.  You may proceedif you want to create an additional registration.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It looks like this participant is already registered for this event. If youwant to change your registration, or you feel that you've received thismessage in error, please contact the site administrator. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like this participant is already registered for this event. If youwant to change your registration, or you feel that you've received thismessage in error, please contact the site administrator.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
It looks like there are enough spaces in this event for your group (youwill not be wait listed). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It looks like there are enough spaces in this event for your group (youwill not be wait listed).

Vous devez vous connecter pour modifier cette traduction.


Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQLdriver (mysqlnd) to >= 5.0.9 for utf8mb4 support. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQLdriver (mysqlnd) to >= 5.0.9 for utf8mb4 support.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQLdriver (libmysqlclient) to >= 5.5.3 for utf8mb4 support. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

It is recommended, though not yet required, to upgrade your PHP MySQLdriver (libmysqlclient) to >= 5.5.3 for utf8mb4 support.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Légende :
En cours
En attente
Avec avertissements
1 117 118 119 120 121 1243

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