
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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You may override the ts() function in CiviCRM by defining your owntranslation function. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may override the ts() function in CiviCRM by defining your owntranslation function.

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You may optionally record the actual cost of this premium to yourorganization. This may be useful when evaluating net return for thisincentive. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may optionally record the actual cost of this premium to yourorganization. This may be useful when evaluating net return for thisincentive.

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You may need to check that: <ul><li>(a) the path and URL match,</li><li>(b) the httpd/htaccess policy allows requests for files inside thisfolder,</li><li>and (c) the web domain matches the normal web domain.</ul> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may need to check that: <ul><li>(a) the path and URL match,</li><li>(b) the httpd/htaccess policy allows requests for files inside thisfolder,</li><li>and (c) the web domain matches the normal web domain.</ul>

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You may include tokens to represent fields (like a contact's "firstname") in the message subject and body. These will be replaced with theactual value of the corresponding field in the outgoing message. Click"Insert Tokens" for a searchable list of available tokens. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may include tokens to represent fields (like a contact's "firstname") in the message subject and body. These will be replaced with theactual value of the corresponding field in the outgoing message. Click"Insert Tokens" for a searchable list of available tokens.

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You may enter a negative amount value if the field or option is being usedto discount the total price. Use a price of 1 and Display Amount off(unchecked) to allow a user to enter a contribution amount in a Text /Numeric Quantity field. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may enter a negative amount value if the field or option is being usedto discount the total price. Use a price of 1 and Display Amount off(unchecked) to allow a user to enter a contribution amount in a Text /Numeric Quantity field.

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You may enter a negative amount value if the field or option is being usedto discount the total price. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may enter a negative amount value if the field or option is being usedto discount the total price.

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You may configure these upload directories using absolute paths or pathvariables. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may configure these upload directories using absolute paths or pathvariables.

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You may choose to record the payment method used for each contribution andfee. Reserved payment methods are required - you may modify their labelsbut they can not be deleted (e.g. Check, Credit Card, Debit Card). If yoursite requires additional payment methods, you can add them here. You canassociate each payment method with a Financial Account which specifieswhere the payment is going (e.g. a bank account for checks and cash). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may choose to record the payment method used for each contribution andfee. Reserved payment methods are required - you may modify their labelsbut they can not be deleted (e.g. Check, Credit Card, Debit Card). If yoursite requires additional payment methods, you can add them here. You canassociate each payment method with a Financial Account which specifieswhere the payment is going (e.g. a bank account for checks and cash).

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You may choose to include a pre-configured Footer block below your message.This is a good place to include the required unsubscribe, opt-out andpostal address tokens. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may choose to include a pre-configured Footer block below your message.This is a good place to include the required unsubscribe, opt-out andpostal address tokens.

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You may choose to email receipts to contributors OR download a PDF filecontaining one receipt per page to your local computer by clicking<strong>Process Receipt(s)</strong>. Your browser may display the file foryou automatically, or you may need to open it for printing using any PDFreader (such as Adobe&reg; Reader). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may choose to email receipts to contributors OR download a PDF filecontaining one receipt per page to your local computer by clicking<strong>Process Receipt(s)</strong>. Your browser may display the file foryou automatically, or you may need to open it for printing using any PDFreader (such as Adobe&reg; Reader).

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You may choose to email invoice to contributors OR download a PDF filecontaining one invoice per page to your local computer by clicking<strong>Process Invoice(s)</strong> . Your browser may display the file foryou automatically, or you may need to open it for printing using any PDFreader (such as Adobe&reg; Reader). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may choose to email invoice to contributors OR download a PDF filecontaining one invoice per page to your local computer by clicking<strong>Process Invoice(s)</strong> . Your browser may display the file foryou automatically, or you may need to open it for printing using any PDFreader (such as Adobe&reg; Reader).

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You may also optionally set an MD5 Hash Key to verify that responses comedirectly from Authorize.Net. Login to your merchant account and navigate to<strong>Account Settings</strong>. Select MD5-Hash and enter a new hashvalue. This can be just about any string of characters or words. Then enterthe exact same value here. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may also optionally set an MD5 Hash Key to verify that responses comedirectly from Authorize.Net. Login to your merchant account and navigate to<strong>Account Settings</strong>. Select MD5-Hash and enter a new hashvalue. This can be just about any string of characters or words. Then enterthe exact same value here.

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You may also create a customized greeting and use field tokens to insertfields of your choice. For more information on available tokens, see theonline documentation %1. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may also create a customized greeting and use field tokens to insertfields of your choice. For more information on available tokens, see theonline documentation %1.

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You may also configure events to require administrative approval prior toparticipants completing the registration process. To enable this featureyou must first enable the Participant Statuses used by the approvalwork-flow (Administer » CiviEvent » Participant Statuses). Then reload thisform and check 'Require participant approval?'. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may also configure events to require administrative approval prior toparticipants completing the registration process. To enable this featureyou must first enable the Participant Statuses used by the approvalwork-flow (Administer » CiviEvent » Participant Statuses). Then reload thisform and check 'Require participant approval?'.

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You may allow users to join a waitlist when the event is full. To enablethis feature you must first enable the Participant Statuses used by thewaitlist work-flow (click the wrench icon, or navigate to Administer »CiviEvent » Participant Statuses). Then reload this form and check 'Offer aWaitlist?'. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You may allow users to join a waitlist when the event is full. To enablethis feature you must first enable the Participant Statuses used by thewaitlist work-flow (click the wrench icon, or navigate to Administer »CiviEvent » Participant Statuses). Then reload this form and check 'Offer aWaitlist?'.

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1 15 16 17 18 19 1243

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