
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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The County of the Address Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The County of the Address

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The Country of the Address Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Country of the Address

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The Contribution's Status Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Contribution's Status

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The Contact Name for sorting purposes, Last Name then First Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Contact Name for sorting purposes, Last Name then First

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The CiviCRM module stores information on the universe of people associatedwith a community and on their interactions such as emails, donations,petitions, events, etc. It can act as a stand alone contact managementsystem or it can be integrated with mass mailer, volunteer management,petition, and event finding. CiviCRM enables organizations to maintain allthese activities in a single database, creating efficiencies and newopportunities for communities to better communicate and benefit fromrelationships with their community members. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The CiviCRM module stores information on the universe of people associatedwith a community and on their interactions such as emails, donations,petitions, events, etc. It can act as a stand alone contact managementsystem or it can be integrated with mass mailer, volunteer management,petition, and event finding. CiviCRM enables organizations to maintain allthese activities in a single database, creating efficiencies and newopportunities for communities to better communicate and benefit fromrelationships with their community members.

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The CiviCRM module allows you to create contacts, or import them from othersources. You can record relationships between contacts, such as indicatingthey live in the same household. There are two types of groups of contacts.You can create static groups which have a set list of contacts. You canalso create dynamic (smart) groups based on characteristics that contactshave in common. For example, you could create a group of all contacts wholive in California AND who have volunteered for your organization withinthe past year. The CiviCRM module also allows for tagging for less formalcategorization of contacts or groups. You can easily extend CiviCRM torecord community member information which is specific to your community ororganization using custom fields. For example, you can create a set offields to track volunteer skills and preferences. CiviCRM profile gives youa way to allow community members ('users') to update their own information,as well as share some of that information with others. Finally, you canconfigure custom activity types such as volunteering or attending events. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The CiviCRM module allows you to create contacts, or import them from othersources. You can record relationships between contacts, such as indicatingthey live in the same household. There are two types of groups of contacts.You can create static groups which have a set list of contacts. You canalso create dynamic (smart) groups based on characteristics that contactshave in common. For example, you could create a group of all contacts wholive in California AND who have volunteered for your organization withinthe past year. The CiviCRM module also allows for tagging for less formalcategorization of contacts or groups. You can easily extend CiviCRM torecord community member information which is specific to your community ororganization using custom fields. For example, you can create a set offields to track volunteer skills and preferences. CiviCRM profile gives youa way to allow community members ('users') to update their own information,as well as share some of that information with others. Finally, you canconfigure custom activity types such as volunteering or attending events.

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The City or Suburb the address is at Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The City or Suburb the address is at

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The Activity's Duration in Minutes Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Activity's Duration in Minutes

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The Activity Import Wizard allows you to easily upload activity from otherapplications into CiviCRM. Contacts must already exist in your CiviCRMdatabase prior to importing activities for them. Use Import Contacts tocreate contact records first, if necessary. Then you can match activitiesto contacts by Email Address, CiviCRM Contact ID, or an External Identifier(see the TIP below). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Activity Import Wizard allows you to easily upload activity from otherapplications into CiviCRM. Contacts must already exist in your CiviCRMdatabase prior to importing activities for them. Use Import Contacts tocreate contact records first, if necessary. Then you can match activitiesto contacts by Email Address, CiviCRM Contact ID, or an External Identifier(see the TIP below).

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The <strong>Contribution Summary</strong> table provides a summary of monthand year-to-date contribution totals, and includes shortcuts to view thecontribution details for these commonly used search periods. To run yourown customized searches - click <a href='%1'>Find Contributions</a>. Youcan search by Contributor Name, Amount Range, and a variety of othercriteria. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The <strong>Contribution Summary</strong> table provides a summary of monthand year-to-date contribution totals, and includes shortcuts to view thecontribution details for these commonly used search periods. To run yourown customized searches - click <a href='%1'>Find Contributions</a>. Youcan search by Contributor Name, Amount Range, and a variety of othercriteria.

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The <a href="%1">default mailbox</a> has not been configured. You willfind <a href="%2">more info in the online system administrator guide</a> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The <a href="%1">default mailbox</a> has not been configured. You willfind <a href="%2">more info in the online system administrator guide</a>

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The <a href="%1">SMS Provider</a> has not been configured or is notactive. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The <a href="%1">SMS Provider</a> has not been configured or is notactive.

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The 'Unsupervised' rule for each contact type is automatically used whennew contacts are created through online registrations including Events,Membership, Contributions and Profile pages. They are also selected bydefault when you Import contacts. They are generally configured with anarrow definition of what constitutes a duplicate. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The 'Unsupervised' rule for each contact type is automatically used whennew contacts are created through online registrations including Events,Membership, Contributions and Profile pages. They are also selected bydefault when you Import contacts. They are generally configured with anarrow definition of what constitutes a duplicate.

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The 'Supervised' rule for each contact type is automatically used to checkfor possible duplicates when contacts are added or edited via the userinterface. Supervised Rules should be configured with a broader definitionof what constitutes a duplicate. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The 'Supervised' rule for each contact type is automatically used to checkfor possible duplicates when contacts are added or edited via the userinterface. Supervised Rules should be configured with a broader definitionof what constitutes a duplicate.

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The '%1' cannot be deleted! You must Delete all Personal Campaign Page(s)related with this contribution page prior to deleting the page. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The '%1' cannot be deleted! You must Delete all Personal Campaign Page(s)related with this contribution page prior to deleting the page.

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1 75 76 77 78 79 1243

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