
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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1 87 88 89 90 91 1243
Prio Chaîne originale Traduction
Select 'Textarea' if you want users to type text and/or HTML code intoplain text fields. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'Textarea' if you want users to type text and/or HTML code intoplain text fields.

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Statut :
non traduite
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Select 'Rolling' if the subscription or service starts on the current day.Select 'Fixed' if the start date is a fixed month and day within thecurrent year (set this value in the next field). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'Rolling' if the subscription or service starts on the current day.Select 'Fixed' if the start date is a fixed month and day within thecurrent year (set this value in the next field).

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Statut :
non traduite
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Select 'New Saved Search' from the '- more actions -' drop-down menu andclick 'Go' Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'New Saved Search' from the '- more actions -' drop-down menu andclick 'Go'

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Statut :
non traduite
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Select 'Limit to' if you want to only send reminders to contacts with thecriteria selected above AND who ALSO match this criteria. If you select'Choose Recipients' - only the chosen contacts will receive the reminder(AND only if they ALSO match the criteria above). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'Limit to' if you want to only send reminders to contacts with thecriteria selected above AND who ALSO match this criteria. If you select'Choose Recipients' - only the chosen contacts will receive the reminder(AND only if they ALSO match the criteria above).

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Statut :
non traduite
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Select 'Inline' to include this set of fields in the main contact Add/Editform and Contact Summary screens. Select 'Tab' or 'Tab with Table' tocreate a separate navigation tab for display and editing these values(generally for less frequently accessed and/or larger sets of fields). 'Tabwith Table' is recommended for customs data sets which allow multiplerecords. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'Inline' to include this set of fields in the main contact Add/Editform and Contact Summary screens. Select 'Tab' or 'Tab with Table' tocreate a separate navigation tab for display and editing these values(generally for less frequently accessed and/or larger sets of fields). 'Tabwith Table' is recommended for customs data sets which allow multiplerecords.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Select 'CKEditor' for the built-in WYSIWYG option. You can customize thetoolbar buttons and other settings by clicking "Configure CKEditor." Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'CKEditor' for the built-in WYSIWYG option. You can customize thetoolbar buttons and other settings by clicking "Configure CKEditor."

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Select 'Also include' if you want to also send reminders to contacts whomatch this criteria. If you select 'Choose Recipients' - the chosencontacts will also receive the reminder (in ADDITION TO the contacts whomatch the criteria above). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select 'Also include' if you want to also send reminders to contacts whomatch this criteria. If you select 'Choose Recipients' - the chosencontacts will also receive the reminder (in ADDITION TO the contacts whomatch the criteria above).

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Select "Yes" to display only primary members (those contacts who have amembership directly attached to their record) Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "Yes" to display only primary members (those contacts who have amembership directly attached to their record)

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Select "Yes" to display only membership with Status Override set(membership is manually forced to a specific status) Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "Yes" to display only membership with Status Override set(membership is manually forced to a specific status)

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Select "None" to display memberships that have never had an auto-renewsubscription. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "None" to display memberships that have never had an auto-renewsubscription.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
Select "No" to display only related records (those who inherit membershipthrough a relationship as defined in the membership type configuration). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "No" to display only related records (those who inherit membershipthrough a relationship as defined in the membership type configuration).

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
Select "No" to display only memberships without Status Override set(membership is subject to the normal status rules) Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "No" to display only memberships without Status Override set(membership is subject to the normal status rules)

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
Select "In Progress" to display memberships with current auto-renewsubscriptions. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "In Progress" to display memberships with current auto-renewsubscriptions.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
Select "Event" if you want your supporters to encourage people in theirnetwork to also register for this event. Select "Contribution" if youwant supporters to promote a related online fundraising campaign (bylinking to an online contribution page). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "Event" if you want your supporters to encourage people in theirnetwork to also register for this event. Select "Contribution" if youwant supporters to promote a related online fundraising campaign (bylinking to an online contribution page).

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
Autres liens :
Select "Ended" to display memberships with an ended auto-renewsubscription. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select "Ended" to display memberships with an ended auto-renewsubscription.

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Statut :
non traduite
Priorité :
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Légende :
En cours
En attente
Avec avertissements
1 87 88 89 90 91 1243

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