
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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<strong>Contact Search and Listings</strong> - When you want to provide asearch form and search result listings for some or all of your contacts youcan create a profile with the desired search fields and link users to thepath for that search form. When creating a link to search and listingsprofiles, add the corresponding profile ID to the end of your query stringusing the 'gid' parameter. For example, the link to display a search andlistings page for a Profile with ID = 3 would be: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

<strong>Contact Search and Listings</strong> - When you want to provide asearch form and search result listings for some or all of your contacts youcan create a profile with the desired search fields and link users to thepath for that search form. When creating a link to search and listingsprofiles, add the corresponding profile ID to the end of your query stringusing the 'gid' parameter. For example, the link to display a search andlistings page for a Profile with ID = 3 would be:

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