
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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<strong>Importing Contact Subtypes</strong> - If your file contains a mixof "subtypes" belonging to a built-in type, select the built-in("parent") type here. You will then be able to map a Contact Subtypefield from your file which sets the subtype for each row. EXAMPLE: If youare importing a mixture of Individuals who are "Students" and "Parents"and "Staff" subtypes, select "Individual" here AND include a column inyour import file which contains the subtype for each row. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

<strong>Importing Contact Subtypes</strong> - If your file contains a mixof "subtypes" belonging to a built-in type, select the built-in("parent") type here. You will then be able to map a Contact Subtypefield from your file which sets the subtype for each row. EXAMPLE: If youare importing a mixture of Individuals who are "Students" and "Parents"and "Staff" subtypes, select "Individual" here AND include a column inyour import file which contains the subtype for each row.

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