
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Check this box if someone other than the member is paying for thismembership (i.e. a gift membership or gift subscription), and you want tolink the payment to the person who is actually paying.  You will be able toselect an existing contact or enter a new one. The resulting contributionrecord will be linked to the payer, and a soft credit for that contributionwill be linked to this contact (the member). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Check this box if someone other than the member is paying for thismembership (i.e. a gift membership or gift subscription), and you want tolink the payment to the person who is actually paying.  You will be able toselect an existing contact or enter a new one. The resulting contributionrecord will be linked to the payer, and a soft credit for that contributionwill be linked to this contact (the member).

Vous devez vous connecter pour modifier cette traduction.


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