
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Check this box to allow users to register themselves AND additionalparticipants for an event. When this feature is enabled, users have theoption to specify the number of additional participants they areregistering for. If this is a paid event, they can select a different eventfee for each participant and will be charged the total of those fees. If aprofile is included, they will complete the profile information for eachparticipant. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Check this box to allow users to register themselves AND additionalparticipants for an event. When this feature is enabled, users have theoption to specify the number of additional participants they areregistering for. If this is a paid event, they can select a different eventfee for each participant and will be charged the total of those fees. If aprofile is included, they will complete the profile information for eachparticipant.

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