
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Check this option if you want to link this address to another contact'saddress. For example, you might want to link a person's "Work" address totheir employer's address. Or, you might want to link their "Home" addressto a Household record. Changes made to the linked address willautomatically be applied to this address. For example, if you use anemployer (organization) address for an individual's work address - anyupdates to the employer address will also be applied to the individual'swork address. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Check this option if you want to link this address to another contact'saddress. For example, you might want to link a person's "Work" address totheir employer's address. Or, you might want to link their "Home" addressto a Household record. Changes made to the linked address willautomatically be applied to this address. For example, if you use anemployer (organization) address for an individual's work address - anyupdates to the employer address will also be applied to the individual'swork address.

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