
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesebasic types to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer "subtypes" from the basicIndividual type...). You can also re-name the built-in types. Contactsubtypes are especially useful when you need to collect and displaydifferent sets of custom data for different types of contacts. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesebasic types to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer "subtypes" from the basicIndividual type...). You can also re-name the built-in types. Contactsubtypes are especially useful when you need to collect and displaydifferent sets of custom data for different types of contacts.

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