
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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CiviGrant allows you to input and track grants to Organizations,Individuals or Households. The grantee must first be entered as a contactin CiviCRM. Use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to see if there's already arecord for the grantee. Once you've located or created the contact record,click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page, select the<strong>Grants</strong> tab and click <strong>New Grant</strong>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviGrant allows you to input and track grants to Organizations,Individuals or Households. The grantee must first be entered as a contactin CiviCRM. Use <a href='%1'>Find Contacts</a> to see if there's already arecord for the grantee. Once you've located or created the contact record,click <strong>View</strong> to go to their summary page, select the<strong>Grants</strong> tab and click <strong>New Grant</strong>.

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