
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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CiviMail email messages must include an <strong>opt-out</strong> link("Opt out via web page"), and the <strong>postal address</strong> of yourorganization. These elements help reduce the chances of your email beingcategorized as SPAM. They can be included in the main message body OR in are-usable <strong>message footer</strong>. Refer to the onlinedocumentation for details on how to include required links and contactinformation as well as sample messages. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviMail email messages must include an <strong>opt-out</strong> link("Opt out via web page"), and the <strong>postal address</strong> of yourorganization. These elements help reduce the chances of your email beingcategorized as SPAM. They can be included in the main message body OR in are-usable <strong>message footer</strong>. Refer to the onlinedocumentation for details on how to include required links and contactinformation as well as sample messages.

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