
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Custom tokens (based on custom data) can be added for organizations aswell. These tokens will not be displayed in the list of available tokens,but can be added manually. The format is %1 – where 12 is the ID of thecustom data field. To find the custom data field ID, go Administer >Customize Data & Screens > Custom Fields and click ‘edit’ on the field youwant to use. Look at the URL. The last part of the URL will be an equalsign and a number (=12). The number (12 in this example) is the id of thatcustom field. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Custom tokens (based on custom data) can be added for organizations aswell. These tokens will not be displayed in the list of available tokens,but can be added manually. The format is %1 – where 12 is the ID of thecustom data field. To find the custom data field ID, go Administer >Customize Data & Screens > Custom Fields and click ‘edit’ on the field youwant to use. Look at the URL. The last part of the URL will be an equalsign and a number (=12). The number (12 in this example) is the id of thatcustom field.

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