
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Determines whether your criteria are combined with AND statements, orcombined with OR statements. For example, you may want to find allindividuals who are in the Volunteers group AND who have a VolunteerTraining activity recorded for them. In this case use the AND operator. Ifyou need to find everyone who is in the Volunteers group OR has a VolunteerTraining activity recorded, use the OR operator. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Determines whether your criteria are combined with AND statements, orcombined with OR statements. For example, you may want to find allindividuals who are in the Volunteers group AND who have a VolunteerTraining activity recorded for them. In this case use the AND operator. Ifyou need to find everyone who is in the Volunteers group OR has a VolunteerTraining activity recorded, use the OR operator.

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