
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Enabling Access Control by Financial Types is only required if you needusers in one role to access some financial transactions but not ones withcertain financial types.</p> <p>For example, Planned Giving bequests may behighly confidential and not appropriate for staff organizing events to see,even though they need to be able to administer the payments for ticketpurchases.</p> <p>After enabling, you will be able to set create, view,edit, and delete permissions separately for each financial type bynavigating to Administer > Users and Permissions > Permissions (AccessControl), and clicking on the Access Control link for your CMS. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Enabling Access Control by Financial Types is only required if you needusers in one role to access some financial transactions but not ones withcertain financial types.</p> <p>For example, Planned Giving bequests may behighly confidential and not appropriate for staff organizing events to see,even though they need to be able to administer the payments for ticketpurchases.</p> <p>After enabling, you will be able to set create, view,edit, and delete permissions separately for each financial type bynavigating to Administer > Users and Permissions > Permissions (AccessControl), and clicking on the Access Control link for your CMS.

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