
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Fields with 'Public' visibility will be displayed on your Event Informationpage AND will be available in the online registration (self-service) form.For some events you may want to allow staff to select special options withspecial pricing and / or discounts (using negative price set field values).Select 'Admin' visibility for these Price Fields. They will only beincluded when staff or volunteers are registering participants from theback-office 'Register Event Participants' screen. If the parent price fieldvisibility is ‘Public’ then it should be possible to set individual priceoptions as 'Admin', but it should have at least one 'Public' option. If theparent price field visibility is 'Admin', then all the price field optionsshould be set to 'Admin', including any new options added to the form. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Fields with 'Public' visibility will be displayed on your Event Informationpage AND will be available in the online registration (self-service) form.For some events you may want to allow staff to select special options withspecial pricing and / or discounts (using negative price set field values).Select 'Admin' visibility for these Price Fields. They will only beincluded when staff or volunteers are registering participants from theback-office 'Register Event Participants' screen. If the parent price fieldvisibility is ‘Public’ then it should be possible to set individual priceoptions as 'Admin', but it should have at least one 'Public' option. If theparent price field visibility is 'Admin', then all the price field optionsshould be set to 'Admin', including any new options added to the form.

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