
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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For export to QuickBooks, export your Chart of Accounts and open in lowlevel text editor. You will be able to see the Account Type Code for eachaccount. Generally, they will be from the following list: BANK, AR,OCASSET, FIXASSET, OASSET, AP, OCLIAB, LTLIAB, EQUITY, INC, COGS, EXP,EXEXP (though there may be others in your version of QuickBooks). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

For export to QuickBooks, export your Chart of Accounts and open in lowlevel text editor. You will be able to see the Account Type Code for eachaccount. Generally, they will be from the following list: BANK, AR,OCASSET, FIXASSET, OASSET, AP, OCLIAB, LTLIAB, EQUITY, INC, COGS, EXP,EXEXP (though there may be others in your version of QuickBooks).

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