
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If CiviCRM's membership end-date is different from when the paymentprocessor will next collect a payment, various problems can occur. Membersmay experience a gap in their membership, and the renewal date may getchanged from what is manually entered. Use care when modifying the End Datevalue, and check the associated recurring payment in your payment processorsystem so they always match. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If CiviCRM's membership end-date is different from when the paymentprocessor will next collect a payment, various problems can occur. Membersmay experience a gap in their membership, and the renewal date may getchanged from what is manually entered. Use care when modifying the End Datevalue, and check the associated recurring payment in your payment processorsystem so they always match.

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