
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If enabled, wildcards are automatically added to the beginning AND end ofthe search term when users search for contacts by Name. EXAMPLE: Searchingfor 'ada' will return any contact whose name includes those letters - e.g.'Adams, Janet', 'Nadal, Jorge', etc. If disabled, a wildcard is added tothe end of the search term only. EXAMPLE: Searching for 'ada' will returnany contact whose last name begins with those letters - e.g. 'Adams, Janet'but NOT 'Nadal, Jorge'. Disabling this feature will speed up searchsignificantly for larger databases, but users must manually enter wildcards('%' or '_') to the beginning of the search term if they want to find allrecords which contain those letters. EXAMPLE: '%ada' will return 'Nadal,Jorge'. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If enabled, wildcards are automatically added to the beginning AND end ofthe search term when users search for contacts by Name. EXAMPLE: Searchingfor 'ada' will return any contact whose name includes those letters - e.g.'Adams, Janet', 'Nadal, Jorge', etc. If disabled, a wildcard is added tothe end of the search term only. EXAMPLE: Searching for 'ada' will returnany contact whose last name begins with those letters - e.g. 'Adams, Janet'but NOT 'Nadal, Jorge'. Disabling this feature will speed up searchsignificantly for larger databases, but users must manually enter wildcards('%' or '_') to the beginning of the search term if they want to find allrecords which contain those letters. EXAMPLE: '%ada' will return 'Nadal,Jorge'.

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