
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you are INSERTING new contributions, you will need to include a columnin your data file containing the values used to link the contribution to anexisting contact. You can use the 'Internal Contact ID', an 'ExternalIdentifier' (if you are using those in your contact records), OR theproperty defined in your Unsupervised Duplicate Matching rule (which isEmail Address by default). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you are INSERTING new contributions, you will need to include a columnin your data file containing the values used to link the contribution to anexisting contact. You can use the 'Internal Contact ID', an 'ExternalIdentifier' (if you are using those in your contact records), OR theproperty defined in your Unsupervised Duplicate Matching rule (which isEmail Address by default).

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