
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you are using the CiviMail component to send mailings to contacts, thisfield provides additional control over which email address is used. Bydefault, CiviMail sends mail to each contact's preferred email address. Ifthe contact has multiple locations, then the preferred email of the primarylocation is used. However, if the contact prefers to have CiviMail ('bulk')mailings set to an alternate email address - check the 'Use for BulkMailings' box next to that email address. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you are using the CiviMail component to send mailings to contacts, thisfield provides additional control over which email address is used. Bydefault, CiviMail sends mail to each contact's preferred email address. Ifthe contact has multiple locations, then the preferred email of the primarylocation is used. However, if the contact prefers to have CiviMail ('bulk')mailings set to an alternate email address - check the 'Use for BulkMailings' box next to that email address.

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