
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you are using the profile as a contact signup and editing form - thisoption controls what happens if the data matches an existing contactrecord. Using this option user can update the matching record or create aduplicate record or otherwise he will get a 'duplicate record' warning, andtheir input will not be saved. Contact matching is based on your configured'Strict' rule for identifying duplicate contacts. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you are using the profile as a contact signup and editing form - thisoption controls what happens if the data matches an existing contactrecord. Using this option user can update the matching record or create aduplicate record or otherwise he will get a 'duplicate record' warning, andtheir input will not be saved. Contact matching is based on your configured'Strict' rule for identifying duplicate contacts.

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