
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you select "Override Permanently", The status you assign will remainin force, unless it is again modified on this screen. If you select"Override Until Selected Date", it will behave same as "OverridePermanently" but will revert to "No" once the selected date is reached.As long as the Membership Override is active, the automated membershipstatus update script will NOT update this membership record. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you select "Override Permanently", The status you assign will remainin force, unless it is again modified on this screen. If you select"Override Until Selected Date", it will behave same as "OverridePermanently" but will revert to "No" once the selected date is reached.As long as the Membership Override is active, the automated membershipstatus update script will NOT update this membership record.

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