
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you want collect additional information during event registration, youwill need to configure one or more CiviCRM Profiles - which are collectionsof standard or custom fields. For event registration, you often want tocollect an email address and / or participants' first and last names. Youmay also need to collect additional information specific to a person's<strong>participation</strong> in an Event. Examples include meal and/orvolunteer preferences. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you want collect additional information during event registration, youwill need to configure one or more CiviCRM Profiles - which are collectionsof standard or custom fields. For event registration, you often want tocollect an email address and / or participants' first and last names. Youmay also need to collect additional information specific to a person's<strong>participation</strong> in an Event. Examples include meal and/orvolunteer preferences.

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