
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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If you want collect additional information from contributors, you caninclude one or two CiviCRM Profiles—which are collections of standardor custom fields—in this contribution page. For example, you may needto collect information about the person (e.g. name and address if these arenot already required by your payment processor, interest in subscribing toa newsletter or volunteering). You might also want to collect informationspecific to this contribution (e.g. target one or several projects or fundsto support with this contribution). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

If you want collect additional information from contributors, you caninclude one or two CiviCRM Profiles—which are collections of standardor custom fields—in this contribution page. For example, you may needto collect information about the person (e.g. name and address if these arenot already required by your payment processor, interest in subscribing toa newsletter or volunteering). You might also want to collect informationspecific to this contribution (e.g. target one or several projects or fundsto support with this contribution).

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