
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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In all cases, the check for an existing matching contact uses the default"Individual Strict Duplicate Matching Rule" (match on email address). Ifyou are concerned with existing contact data being over-written byanonymous visitors, you can modify this rule to make matches less likely(or even impossible). For example, if you NEVER want anonymous input tomatch (i.e. always create a new contact record) - edit that rule and setthe 'weight threshold' higher than 10. You will then need to run FindDuplicates periodically using a different rule, and merge any duplicaterecords with their associated memberships, contributions, etc. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

In all cases, the check for an existing matching contact uses the default"Individual Strict Duplicate Matching Rule" (match on email address). Ifyou are concerned with existing contact data being over-written byanonymous visitors, you can modify this rule to make matches less likely(or even impossible). For example, if you NEVER want anonymous input tomatch (i.e. always create a new contact record) - edit that rule and setthe 'weight threshold' higher than 10. You will then need to run FindDuplicates periodically using a different rule, and merge any duplicaterecords with their associated memberships, contributions, etc.

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