Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
Membership types are used to categorize memberships. You can define anunlimited number of types. Each type incorporates a 'name' (Gold Member,Honor Society Member...), a description, a minimum fee (can be $0), and aduration (can be 'lifetime'). Each member type is specifically linked tothe membership entity (organization) - e.g. Bay Area Chapter. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
Membership types are used to categorize memberships. You can define anunlimited number of types. Each type incorporates a 'name' (Gold Member,Honor Society Member...), a description, a minimum fee (can be $0), and aduration (can be 'lifetime'). Each member type is specifically linked tothe membership entity (organization) - e.g. Bay Area Chapter.
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