
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well as event andactivity related reminders generally use tokens specific to membership,participant or activity records. For example, a membership renewal remindermay include the membership type and end date tokens. The <ahref="%1">Scheduled Reminders</a> screen includes these tokens in the"Insert Tokens" tool, so it is best to create reminder templates there. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well as event andactivity related reminders generally use tokens specific to membership,participant or activity records. For example, a membership renewal remindermay include the membership type and end date tokens. The <ahref="%1">Scheduled Reminders</a> screen includes these tokens in the"Insert Tokens" tool, so it is best to create reminder templates there.

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