Note that %1 Access Control permissions take precedence over CiviCRM ACLs.If you wish to use CiviCRM ACLs, first disable the related permission in %1Access control for a user role, and then gradually add ACLs to replace thatpermission for certain groups of contacts.
Note that %1 Access Control permissions take precedence over CiviCRM ACLs.If you wish to use CiviCRM ACLs, first disable the related permission in %1Access control for a user role, and then gradually add ACLs to replace thatpermission for certain groups of contacts.
Note that %1 Access Control permissions take precedence over CiviCRM ACLs.If you wish to use CiviCRM ACLs, first disable the related permission in %1Access control for a user role, and then gradually add ACLs to replace thatpermission for certain groups of contacts.