
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Personal Campaign Pages (PCPs) allow your constituents to create their ownfundraising page for your organization. This means that a donor, afterdonating to your organization, can elect to create a page with her ownphoto, text, and personal information. She can then send a link to the pageto her friends, soliciting support for your organization. This is apowerful way to widely and quickly spread the message about your campaign. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Personal Campaign Pages (PCPs) allow your constituents to create their ownfundraising page for your organization. This means that a donor, afterdonating to your organization, can elect to create a page with her ownphoto, text, and personal information. She can then send a link to the pageto her friends, soliciting support for your organization. This is apowerful way to widely and quickly spread the message about your campaign.

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