
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Prio Chaîne originale Traduction
Personal Campaign Pages provide your constituents with the ability topromote this event or a related fundraising effort. When Personal CampaignPages are enabled constituents will see a link after registering for thisevent which invites them to create their own page to promote the event (orpromote a related online contribution page). Event registration fees (orcontributions) from people who come in through a Personal Campaign Page arerecorded as "soft credits" for the supporter who created that campaignpage. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Personal Campaign Pages provide your constituents with the ability topromote this event or a related fundraising effort. When Personal CampaignPages are enabled constituents will see a link after registering for thisevent which invites them to create their own page to promote the event (orpromote a related online contribution page). Event registration fees (orcontributions) from people who come in through a Personal Campaign Page arerecorded as "soft credits" for the supporter who created that campaignpage.

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