
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Select the tabs that should be displayed when viewing a contact record.EXAMPLE: If your organization does not keep track of 'Relationships', thenun-check this option to simplify the screen display. Tabs forContributions, Pledges, Memberships, Events, Grants and Cases are alsohidden if the corresponding component is not enabled. Go to Administer >System Settings > Enable Components to modify the components which areavailable for your site. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Select the tabs that should be displayed when viewing a contact record.EXAMPLE: If your organization does not keep track of 'Relationships', thenun-check this option to simplify the screen display. Tabs forContributions, Pledges, Memberships, Events, Grants and Cases are alsohidden if the corresponding component is not enabled. Go to Administer >System Settings > Enable Components to modify the components which areavailable for your site.

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