
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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State/province listings are populated dynamically based on the selectedCountry for all standard contact address editing forms, as well as for<strong>Profile forms which include both a Country and a State/Provincefield</strong>.  This setting controls which countries' states and/orprovinces are available in the State/Province selection field <strong>forCustom Fields</strong> or for Profile forms which do NOT include a Countryfield. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

State/province listings are populated dynamically based on the selectedCountry for all standard contact address editing forms, as well as for<strong>Profile forms which include both a Country and a State/Provincefield</strong>.  This setting controls which countries' states and/orprovinces are available in the State/Province selection field <strong>forCustom Fields</strong> or for Profile forms which do NOT include a Countryfield.

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