
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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The Supporter Profile is used to collect or update basic information ( and email address) from users while they are creating a PersonalCampaign Page. The profile you select must be configured with 'Accountcreation required' (under Profile Settings &raquo; Advanced Settings). Youmust include an Email address field - and you may include any number ofother fields in the profile. If you don't yet have an appropriate Profileconfigured, you will need to <a href='%1'>create one first</a>, and thenreturn to this form to select it. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The Supporter Profile is used to collect or update basic information ( and email address) from users while they are creating a PersonalCampaign Page. The profile you select must be configured with 'Accountcreation required' (under Profile Settings &raquo; Advanced Settings). Youmust include an Email address field - and you may include any number ofother fields in the profile. If you don't yet have an appropriate Profileconfigured, you will need to <a href='%1'>create one first</a>, and thenreturn to this form to select it.

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