
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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The import file should contain a row for each set of custom data fields.For example, if you are importing employment history for a group ofcontacts, each row might contain columns for Employer, Start Date, EndDate, and Position. You will also need a column containing the CiviCRMContact ID which is used to match each row to the corresponding (existing)CiviCRM contact record. NOTE: Contact IDs are included by default whenexporting contacts from CiviCRM. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

The import file should contain a row for each set of custom data fields.For example, if you are importing employment history for a group ofcontacts, each row might contain columns for Employer, Start Date, EndDate, and Position. You will also need a column containing the CiviCRMContact ID which is used to match each row to the corresponding (existing)CiviCRM contact record. NOTE: Contact IDs are included by default whenexporting contacts from CiviCRM.

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