
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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This page is currently running in <strong>test-drive mode</strong>. If thisis a paid event, transactions will be sent to your payment processor's testserver. <strong>No live financial transactions will be submitted. However,a contact record will be created or updated and test event registration andcontribution records will be saved to the database. Use obvious testcontact names so you can review and delete these records as needed.</strong> Refer to your payment processor's documentation for informationon values to use for test credit card number, security code, postal code,etc. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

This page is currently running in <strong>test-drive mode</strong>. If thisis a paid event, transactions will be sent to your payment processor's testserver. <strong>No live financial transactions will be submitted. However,a contact record will be created or updated and test event registration andcontribution records will be saved to the database. Use obvious testcontact names so you can review and delete these records as needed.</strong> Refer to your payment processor's documentation for informationon values to use for test credit card number, security code, postal code,etc.

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