
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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This screen shows the current CiviCRM navigation menu for your site -viewed as a 'tree'. The top-level menu items are listed vertically. Clickthe triangle to the left of any top-level item ('branch') to expand it andsee the menu items underneath it. Remember that some menu items shown herewill not be displayed in the live menu bar which appears at the top of eachCiviCRM screen. Users will only see menu items which they have permissionsfor, and menu items associated with disabled components will also behidden. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

This screen shows the current CiviCRM navigation menu for your site -viewed as a 'tree'. The top-level menu items are listed vertically. Clickthe triangle to the left of any top-level item ('branch') to expand it andsee the menu items underneath it. Remember that some menu items shown herewill not be displayed in the live menu bar which appears at the top of eachCiviCRM screen. Users will only see menu items which they have permissionsfor, and menu items associated with disabled components will also behidden.

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