
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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This table provides a summary of <strong>Grant Totals</strong>, andincludes shortcuts to view the Grant details for these commonly used searchperiods. Click the Grant Status to see a list of Contacts for that grantstatus. To run your own customized searches - click <a href='%1'>FindGrants</a>. You can search by Contact Name, Amount, Grant type and avariety of other criteria. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

This table provides a summary of <strong>Grant Totals</strong>, andincludes shortcuts to view the Grant details for these commonly used searchperiods. Click the Grant Status to see a list of Contacts for that grantstatus. To run your own customized searches - click <a href='%1'>FindGrants</a>. You can search by Contact Name, Amount, Grant type and avariety of other criteria.

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