
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Use this field if you need to populate the <code>Return-Path</code> mailheader element with a fixed value (e.g., <code></code>).Enter a fully qualified email address which belongs to a valid SMTP accountin your domain. This address will not be seen by 'typical' email clients.Consult with your SMTP provider what address to put in here so that theSMTP server accepts outgoing mail from CiviMail. If this field is leftblank, the <code>From</code> email address will be used as the<code>Return-Path</code>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this field if you need to populate the <code>Return-Path</code> mailheader element with a fixed value (e.g., <code></code>).Enter a fully qualified email address which belongs to a valid SMTP accountin your domain. This address will not be seen by 'typical' email clients.Consult with your SMTP provider what address to put in here so that theSMTP server accepts outgoing mail from CiviMail. If this field is leftblank, the <code>From</code> email address will be used as the<code>Return-Path</code>.

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