
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Use this form to configure Contribution Amount options. You can givecontributors the ability to enter their own contribution amounts and/orprovide a fixed list of amounts. For fixed amounts, you can enter a labelfor each 'level' of contribution (e.g. Friend, Sustainer, etc.). If youallow people to enter their own dollar amounts, you can also set minimumand maximum values. Depending on your choice of Payment Processor, you maybe able to offer a recurring contribution option. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this form to configure Contribution Amount options. You can givecontributors the ability to enter their own contribution amounts and/orprovide a fixed list of amounts. For fixed amounts, you can enter a labelfor each 'level' of contribution (e.g. Friend, Sustainer, etc.). If youallow people to enter their own dollar amounts, you can also set minimumand maximum values. Depending on your choice of Payment Processor, you maybe able to offer a recurring contribution option.

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