
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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WARNING: There are %1 user accounts associated with both the original andduplicate contacts. Ensure that the %1 user you want to retain is on theright - if necessary use the 'Flip between original and duplicatecontacts.' option at top to swap the positions of the two records beforedoing the merge.  The user record associated with the duplicate contactwill not be deleted, but will be unlinked from the associated contactrecord (which will be deleted).  You will need to manually delete that user(click on the link to open the %1 user account in new screen). You may needto give thought to how you handle any content or contents associated withthat user. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

WARNING: There are %1 user accounts associated with both the original andduplicate contacts. Ensure that the %1 user you want to retain is on theright - if necessary use the 'Flip between original and duplicatecontacts.' option at top to swap the positions of the two records beforedoing the merge.  The user record associated with the duplicate contactwill not be deleted, but will be unlinked from the associated contactrecord (which will be deleted).  You will need to manually delete that user(click on the link to open the %1 user account in new screen). You may needto give thought to how you handle any content or contents associated withthat user.

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