
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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When multiple options are selected within a search field the selections arecombined using <strong>OR</strong> criteria (e.g. selecting both 'Group A'and 'Group B' will find contacts who are either in 'Group A' OR 'Group B'or in both).</p>  <p>By default the different search fields are combinedusing the <strong>AND</strong> Search Operator (e.g. selecting Tag is 'Age'AND Country is 'Canada' returns only those contacts who meet bothcriteria). You can override the Search Operator default for combiningdifferent fields in the Search Settings. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

When multiple options are selected within a search field the selections arecombined using <strong>OR</strong> criteria (e.g. selecting both 'Group A'and 'Group B' will find contacts who are either in 'Group A' OR 'Group B'or in both).</p>  <p>By default the different search fields are combinedusing the <strong>AND</strong> Search Operator (e.g. selecting Tag is 'Age'AND Country is 'Canada' returns only those contacts who meet bothcriteria). You can override the Search Operator default for combiningdifferent fields in the Search Settings.

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