Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
You can use existing CiviCRM Profiles on your page or create profile(s)specifically for use in Online Contribution pages. Go to <ahref="%1"><strong>Administer CiviCRM Profiles</strong></a> if you need toreview, modify or create profiles (you can come back at any time to selector update the Profile(s) used for this page). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
You can use existing CiviCRM Profiles on your page or create profile(s)specifically for use in Online Contribution pages. Go to <ahref="%1"><strong>Administer CiviCRM Profiles</strong></a> if you need toreview, modify or create profiles (you can come back at any time to selector update the Profile(s) used for this page).
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