
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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You can view or revert to the default version of any system workflowmessage template which you've modified. After upgrades OR if you are havingissues with your modified version, it is useful to compare your activeversion to the default code shown on this screen. You can use the 'Select'buttons below (with copy and paste commands) to copy the default code intoa text editor and then compare it to your customized version. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

You can view or revert to the default version of any system workflowmessage template which you've modified. After upgrades OR if you are havingissues with your modified version, it is useful to compare your activeversion to the default code shown on this screen. You can use the 'Select'buttons below (with copy and paste commands) to copy the default code intoa text editor and then compare it to your customized version.

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