
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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CiviCRM has already been installed. <ul><li>To <strong>start over</strong>,you must delete or rename the existing CiviCRM settings file -<strong>civicrm.settings.php</strong> - from<strong>%1</strong>.</li><li>To <strong>upgrade an existinginstallation</strong>, refer to the online documentation: %2.</li></ul> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM has already been installed. <ul><li>To <strong>start over</strong>,you must delete or rename the existing CiviCRM settings file -<strong>civicrm.settings.php</strong> - from<strong>%1</strong>.</li><li>To <strong>upgrade an existinginstallation</strong>, refer to the online documentation: %2.</li></ul>

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CiviCRM extensions allow you to install additional features for your site.This page will automatically list the available "native" extensions fromthe <a href="%2" target="_blank"> extensions directory</a>which are compatible with this version of CiviCRM. If you install CustomSearches, Reports or Payment Processor extensions - these willautomatically be available on the corresponding menus and screens. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM extensions allow you to install additional features for your site.This page will automatically list the available "native" extensions fromthe <a href="%2" target="_blank"> extensions directory</a>which are compatible with this version of CiviCRM. If you install CustomSearches, Reports or Payment Processor extensions - these willautomatically be available on the corresponding menus and screens.

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CiviCRM contact not found for %mail Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM contact not found for %mail

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CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesetypes to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer types from the basic Individualtype...). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesetypes to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer types from the basic Individualtype...).

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CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesebasic types to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer "subtypes" from the basicIndividual type...). You can also re-name the built-in types. Contactsubtypes are especially useful when you need to collect and displaydifferent sets of custom data for different types of contacts. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM comes with 3 basic (built-in) contact types: Individual, Household,and Organization. You can create additional contact types based on thesebasic types to further differentiate contacts (for example you might createStudent, Parent, Staff, and /or Volunteer "subtypes" from the basicIndividual type...). You can also re-name the built-in types. Contactsubtypes are especially useful when you need to collect and displaydifferent sets of custom data for different types of contacts.

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CiviCRM allows you to indicate which contact each activity record belongsto using either the unique CiviCRM-assigned Contact ID, a unique ExternalID which you assign, OR your configured Unsupervised Duplicate MatchingRule set (which uses email addresses by default). You must include at leastone of these values as a column in your import file. If you aresynchronizing (or migrating) contacts from another application to CiviCRM,and that application has assigned a unique ID to each contact, you canimport that value into CiviCRM's External ID field. Then you can use thatunique key as the 'match to contact' value when importing related data suchas Activities. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM allows you to indicate which contact each activity record belongsto using either the unique CiviCRM-assigned Contact ID, a unique ExternalID which you assign, OR your configured Unsupervised Duplicate MatchingRule set (which uses email addresses by default). You must include at leastone of these values as a column in your import file. If you aresynchronizing (or migrating) contacts from another application to CiviCRM,and that application has assigned a unique ID to each contact, you canimport that value into CiviCRM's External ID field. Then you can use thatunique key as the 'match to contact' value when importing related data suchas Activities.

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CiviCRM Website Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Website

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CiviCRM Target Contact ID Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Target Contact ID

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CiviCRM Tags Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Tags

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CiviCRM Source Record Contact Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Source Record Contact

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CiviCRM Source Contact Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Source Contact

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CiviCRM Relationships Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Relationships

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CiviCRM Profile(s) allow you to aggregate groups of fields and include themin your site as input forms, contact display pages, and search and listingsfeatures. They provide a powerful set of tools for you to collectinformation from constituents and selectively share contact information. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Profile(s) allow you to aggregate groups of fields and include themin your site as input forms, contact display pages, and search and listingsfeatures. They provide a powerful set of tools for you to collectinformation from constituents and selectively share contact information.

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CiviCRM Phone Details Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Phone Details

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CiviCRM Participants Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

CiviCRM Participants

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1 168 169 170 171 172 1243

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