Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
When the mailing (or closely related entity) was created or modified ordeleted. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When the mailing (or closely related entity) was created or modified ordeleted.
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When someone donates through a personal campaign page, a soft credit isgiven to the owner of the page to recognize the role she played in thecontribution. CiviContribute has a section that allows you to administerall of the PCPs for your organization. You can require approval before aPCP goes 'live', and disable or delete any campaign pages you don't approveof. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When someone donates through a personal campaign page, a soft credit isgiven to the owner of the page to recognize the role she played in thecontribution. CiviContribute has a section that allows you to administerall of the PCPs for your organization. You can require approval before aPCP goes 'live', and disable or delete any campaign pages you don't approveof.
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When selecting a dedupe rule, be sure to choose one that includes fieldscontained in your import file. Also be aware that the update and filloptions could have significant impact on your existing data. You shoulddefine and select a rule that is strict enough to ensure there are no falsepositive matches. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When selecting a dedupe rule, be sure to choose one that includes fieldscontained in your import file. Also be aware that the update and filloptions could have significant impact on your existing data. You shoulddefine and select a rule that is strict enough to ensure there are no falsepositive matches.
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When recording mobile phone numbers for contacts, it may be useful toinclude the Mobile Phone Service Provider (e.g. Cingular, Sprint, etc.).CiviCRM is installed with the most commonly encountered service providers.Administrators may define as many additional providers as needed. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When recording mobile phone numbers for contacts, it may be useful toinclude the Mobile Phone Service Provider (e.g. Cingular, Sprint, etc.).CiviCRM is installed with the most commonly encountered service providers.Administrators may define as many additional providers as needed.
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When recording Instant Messenger (IM) 'screen names' for contacts, it isuseful to include the IM Service Provider (e.g. AOL, Yahoo, etc.). CiviCRMis installed with the most commonly encountered service providers.Administrators may define as many additional providers as needed. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When recording Instant Messenger (IM) 'screen names' for contacts, it isuseful to include the IM Service Provider (e.g. AOL, Yahoo, etc.). CiviCRMis installed with the most commonly encountered service providers.Administrators may define as many additional providers as needed.
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When reCAPTCHA is enabled for a profile form, anonymous users are requiredto read an image with letters and numbers and enter the value in a field.This helps prevent abuse by automated scripts. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When reCAPTCHA is enabled for a profile form, anonymous users are requiredto read an image with letters and numbers and enter the value in a field.This helps prevent abuse by automated scripts.
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When multiple options are selected within a search field the selections arecombined using <strong>OR</strong> criteria (e.g. selecting both 'Group A'and 'Group B' will find contacts who are either in 'Group A' OR 'Group B'or in both).</p> <p>By default the different search fields are combinedusing the <strong>AND</strong> Search Operator (e.g. selecting Tag is 'Age'AND Country is 'Canada' returns only those contacts who meet bothcriteria). You can override the Search Operator default for combiningdifferent fields in the Search Settings. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When multiple options are selected within a search field the selections arecombined using <strong>OR</strong> criteria (e.g. selecting both 'Group A'and 'Group B' will find contacts who are either in 'Group A' OR 'Group B'or in both).</p> <p>By default the different search fields are combinedusing the <strong>AND</strong> Search Operator (e.g. selecting Tag is 'Age'AND Country is 'Canada' returns only those contacts who meet bothcriteria). You can override the Search Operator default for combiningdifferent fields in the Search Settings.
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When migrating a site to a new server, the paths and URLs of your CiviCRMinstallation may change. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When migrating a site to a new server, the paths and URLs of your CiviCRMinstallation may change.
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When generating a letter (PDF/Word) via mail-merge, how should the letterbe recorded? | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When generating a letter (PDF/Word) via mail-merge, how should the letterbe recorded?
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When enabled, this feature allows users to identify an organization as thedonor or member. Logged in users will be given a choice of selecting from alist of organizations that they have a permissioned relationship with ORentering a new organization. Anonymous users are prompted to enter theorganization name. If a matching organization is found using your site'sconfigured unsupervised duplicate matching rules for Organizations, thecontribution or membership will be linked to that organization. Otherwise anew organization contact record is created. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, this feature allows users to identify an organization as thedonor or member. Logged in users will be given a choice of selecting from alist of organizations that they have a permissioned relationship with ORentering a new organization. Anonymous users are prompted to enter theorganization name. If a matching organization is found using your site'sconfigured unsupervised duplicate matching rules for Organizations, thecontribution or membership will be linked to that organization. Otherwise anew organization contact record is created.
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When enabled, this event will be included in iCalendar feeds and displayedon your site's "Upcoming Events" block. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, this event will be included in iCalendar feeds and displayedon your site's "Upcoming Events" block.
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When enabled, the assignee notification sent out above will also include anical meeting invite. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, the assignee notification sent out above will also include anical meeting invite.
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When enabled, links helping people share this event with their socialnetwork will be displayed (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, links helping people share this event with their socialnetwork will be displayed (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and email).
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When enabled, contacts who are assigned activities will automaticallyreceive an email notification with a copy of the activity. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, contacts who are assigned activities will automaticallyreceive an email notification with a copy of the activity.
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When enabled, checks for possible matches on the "New Contact" form usingthe Supervised <a %1>matching rule specified in your system</a>. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
When enabled, checks for possible matches on the "New Contact" form usingthe Supervised <a %1>matching rule specified in your system</a>.
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