
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Use this form to Add new Survey. You can create a new Activity type,specific to this Survey or select an existing activity type for thisSurvey. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this form to Add new Survey. You can create a new Activity type,specific to this Survey or select an existing activity type for thisSurvey.

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Use this filter to limit search results to relationships which were activeduring the specified time period (e.g. this is useful if you need to searchall volunteer relationships that were active during 2014). Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this filter to limit search results to relationships which were activeduring the specified time period (e.g. this is useful if you need to searchall volunteer relationships that were active during 2014).

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Use this filter to limit search results to relationships where the relatedcontacts are part of a specific group or groups. For example, you mightwant to find all individuals who are employees ('Employee of' relationshiptype) of organizations which are in your 'Corporate Sponsors' group. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this filter to limit search results to relationships where the relatedcontacts are part of a specific group or groups. For example, you mightwant to find all individuals who are employees ('Employee of' relationshiptype) of organizations which are in your 'Corporate Sponsors' group.

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Use this field to store a unique identifier. This is generally used to linkcontacts with records in a related or legacy application. When migratingdata from another system, import the unique contact identifier from the oldsystem to this field. You can then use it to match imported contributionsand other transactional data to the corresponding contact record. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this field to store a unique identifier. This is generally used to linkcontacts with records in a related or legacy application. When migratingdata from another system, import the unique contact identifier from the oldsystem to this field. You can then use it to match imported contributionsand other transactional data to the corresponding contact record.

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Use this field to store a description of how/why this contact was added tothe database. This field is usually auto-filled when a contact is createdfrom a public form i.e. Event Registration. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this field to store a description of how/why this contact was added tothe database. This field is usually auto-filled when a contact is createdfrom a public form i.e. Event Registration.

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Use this field to configure Membership Types where memberships areautomatically granted to related contacts. Examples: Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this field to configure Membership Types where memberships areautomatically granted to related contacts. Examples:

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Use this field if you need to populate the <code>Return-Path</code> mailheader element with a fixed value (e.g., <code></code>).Enter a fully qualified email address which belongs to a valid SMTP accountin your domain. This address will not be seen by 'typical' email clients.Consult with your SMTP provider what address to put in here so that theSMTP server accepts outgoing mail from CiviMail. If this field is leftblank, the <code>From</code> email address will be used as the<code>Return-Path</code>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this field if you need to populate the <code>Return-Path</code> mailheader element with a fixed value (e.g., <code></code>).Enter a fully qualified email address which belongs to a valid SMTP accountin your domain. This address will not be seen by 'typical' email clients.Consult with your SMTP provider what address to put in here so that theSMTP server accepts outgoing mail from CiviMail. If this field is leftblank, the <code>From</code> email address will be used as the<code>Return-Path</code>.

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Use this checklist to review and complete configuration tasks for yoursite. You will be redirected back to this checklist after saving eachsetting. Settings which you have not yet reviewed will be <spanclass="status-overdue">displayed in red</span>. After you have visited apage, the links will <span class="status-pending">display in green</span> (although you may still need to revisit the page to complete or update thesettings). You can access this page again from the <ahref="%1">Administer CiviCRM</a> menu at any time. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this checklist to review and complete configuration tasks for yoursite. You will be redirected back to this checklist after saving eachsetting. Settings which you have not yet reviewed will be <spanclass="status-overdue">displayed in red</span>. After you have visited apage, the links will <span class="status-pending">display in green</span> (although you may still need to revisit the page to complete or update thesettings). You can access this page again from the <ahref="%1">Administer CiviCRM</a> menu at any time.

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Use this Search form to find contacts. Mark the contacts you want to add tothis group. Then click 'Add Contacts to %1'. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use this Search form to find contacts. Mark the contacts you want to add tothis group. Then click 'Add Contacts to %1'.

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Use the table below to enter up to ten fixed contribution amounts. Thesewill be presented as a list of radio button options. Both the label anddollar amount will be displayed. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the table below to enter up to ten fixed contribution amounts. Thesewill be presented as a list of radio button options. Both the label anddollar amount will be displayed.

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Use the table below to enter descriptive labels and amounts for up to tenevent fee levels. These will be presented as a list of radio buttonoptions. Both the label and dollar amount will be displayed. You can alsoconfigure one or more sets of discounted fees by checking "Discounts bySignup Date" below. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the table below to enter descriptive labels and amounts for up to tenevent fee levels. These will be presented as a list of radio buttonoptions. Both the label and dollar amount will be displayed. You can alsoconfigure one or more sets of discounted fees by checking "Discounts bySignup Date" below.

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Use the table below to enter descriptive labels and amounts for up to tendiscounted event fees for each discount set. <strong>Don't forget to click'Save' when you are finished.</strong> Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the table below to enter descriptive labels and amounts for up to tendiscounted event fees for each discount set. <strong>Don't forget to click'Save' when you are finished.</strong>

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Use the links below to configure or modify the global settings for CiviCRMfor this site. Refer to the %1 for details on settings and options. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the links below to configure or modify the global settings for CiviCRMfor this site. Refer to the %1 for details on settings and options.

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Use the greeting/address options to determine how you would like thecontact's salutation and name displayed for different communicationmethods. When you send an email or export a list of records to a .csv filefor mail merging, the greeting and addressee fields will reflect yourpreferences. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the greeting/address options to determine how you would like thecontact's salutation and name displayed for different communicationmethods. When you send an email or export a list of records to a .csv filefor mail merging, the greeting and addressee fields will reflect yourpreferences.

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Use the form below to configure a Widget Title (with optional logo), yourcontribute button text, a short description of this fund-raising campaign,and a link to your organizations home page (for folks who want to learnmore). You can also modify the default color-scheme by expanding the 'EditWidget Colors' section of the form. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Use the form below to configure a Widget Title (with optional logo), yourcontribute button text, a short description of this fund-raising campaign,and a link to your organizations home page (for folks who want to learnmore). You can also modify the default color-scheme by expanding the 'EditWidget Colors' section of the form.

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Statut :
non traduite
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En cours
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1 38 39 40 41 42 1243

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