Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
The name for this credit card type as it should be provided to your paymentprocessor. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The name for this credit card type as it should be provided to your paymentprocessor.
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The name for this credit card type as it is displayed to contributors. Thismay be the same value as the Name above, or a localised title. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The name for this credit card type as it is displayed to contributors. Thismay be the same value as the Name above, or a localised title.
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The most common SMTP port possibilities are 25, 465, and 587. Check withyour mail provider for the appropriate one. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The most common SMTP port possibilities are 25, 465, and 587. Check withyour mail provider for the appropriate one.
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The minimum contribution amount required to be eligible to select thispremium. If you want to offer it to all contributors regardless ofcontribution amount, enter '0'. If display of minimum contribution amountsis enabled then this text is displayed: | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The minimum contribution amount required to be eligible to select thispremium. If you want to offer it to all contributors regardless ofcontribution amount, enter '0'. If display of minimum contribution amountsis enabled then this text is displayed:
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The menu color and position can be adjusted on the <a %1>DisplayPreferences</a> screen. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The menu color and position can be adjusted on the <a %1>DisplayPreferences</a> screen.
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The membership price set associated with this online contribution allows auser to select BOTH an auto-renew AND a non-auto-renew membership. Thisrequires submitting multiple processor transactions, and is not supportedfor one or more of the payment processors enabled under the Amounts tab. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The membership price set associated with this online contribution allows auser to select BOTH an auto-renew AND a non-auto-renew membership. Thisrequires submitting multiple processor transactions, and is not supportedfor one or more of the payment processors enabled under the Amounts tab.
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The maximum number of members you can select for Update multiplememberships is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer members fromyour search results and try again. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of members you can select for Update multiplememberships is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer members fromyour search results and try again.
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The maximum number of mailer delivery jobs executing simultaneously (0 =allow as many processes to execute as started by cron). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of mailer delivery jobs executing simultaneously (0 =allow as many processes to execute as started by cron).
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The maximum number of contributions you can select for Update multiplecontributions is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewercontributions from your search results and try again. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of contributions you can select for Update multiplecontributions is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewercontributions from your search results and try again.
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The maximum number of contacts you can select for Update multiple contactsis %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer contacts from your searchresults and try again. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of contacts you can select for Update multiple contactsis %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer contacts from your searchresults and try again.
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The maximum number of contacts to show at a time when typing in anautocomplete field. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of contacts to show at a time when typing in anautocomplete field.
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The maximum number of activities you can select for Update multipleactivities is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer Activities fromyour search results and try again. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of activities you can select for Update multipleactivities is %1. You have selected %2. Please select fewer Activities fromyour search results and try again.
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The maximum number of Activities you can select to send an email is %1. Youhave selected %2. Please select fewer Activities from your search resultsand try again. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of Activities you can select to send an email is %1. Youhave selected %2. Please select fewer Activities from your search resultsand try again.
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The maximum number of %3 you can select for Update multiple %3 is %1. Youhave selected %2. Please select fewer %3 from your search results and tryagain. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The maximum number of %3 you can select for Update multiple %3 is %1. Youhave selected %2. Please select fewer %3 from your search results and tryagain.
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The market value of this premium (e.g. retail price). For tax-deductiblecontributions, this amount will be used to set the non-deductible amount inthe contribution record and receipt. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
The market value of this premium (e.g. retail price). For tax-deductiblecontributions, this amount will be used to set the non-deductible amount inthe contribution record and receipt.
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