
Traduction de CiviCRM Core : SUD

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Month and day (MMDD) that fixed period type subscription or membershipstarts. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Month and day (MMDD) that fixed period type subscription or membershipstarts.

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Month and day (MMDD) on which a fixed period subscription or service willstart. EXAMPLE: A fixed period subscription with Start Day set to 0101means that the subscription period would be 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 for anyonesigning up during 2006. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Month and day (MMDD) on which a fixed period subscription or service willstart. EXAMPLE: A fixed period subscription with Start Day set to 0101means that the subscription period would be 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 for anyonesigning up during 2006.

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Module which owns this uf_join instance, e.g. User Registration,CiviDonate, etc. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Module which owns this uf_join instance, e.g. User Registration,CiviDonate, etc.

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Missing required fields: Soft Credit Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Missing required fields: Soft Credit

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Minimum fee required for this membership type. For free/complimentarymemberships - set minimum fee to zero (0). NOTE: When using CiviCRM toprocess sales taxes this should be the tax exclusive amount. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Minimum fee required for this membership type. For free/complimentarymemberships - set minimum fee to zero (0). NOTE: When using CiviCRM toprocess sales taxes this should be the tax exclusive amount.

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Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well as event andactivity related reminders generally use tokens specific to membership,participant or activity records. For example, a membership renewal remindermay include the membership type and end date tokens. The <ahref="%1">Scheduled Reminders</a> screen includes these tokens in the"Insert Tokens" tool, so it is best to create reminder templates there. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well as event andactivity related reminders generally use tokens specific to membership,participant or activity records. For example, a membership renewal remindermay include the membership type and end date tokens. The <ahref="%1">Scheduled Reminders</a> screen includes these tokens in the"Insert Tokens" tool, so it is best to create reminder templates there.

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Message to display on Event Information page and INSTEAD OF EventRegistration form if maximum participants are signed up. Can include emailaddress/info about getting on a waiting list, etc. Text and html allowed. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Message to display on Event Information page and INSTEAD OF EventRegistration form if maximum participants are signed up. Can include emailaddress/info about getting on a waiting list, etc. Text and html allowed.

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Message templates allow you to easily create similar emails or letters on arecurring basis. Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well asevent and activity related reminders should be created via <ahref="%1">Schedule Reminders</a>. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Message templates allow you to easily create similar emails or letters on arecurring basis. Messages used for membership renewal reminders, as well asevent and activity related reminders should be created via <ahref="%1">Schedule Reminders</a>.

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Merge Household Members into their Households will export the householdrecord for any contacts sharing a household address. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Merge Household Members into their Households will export the householdrecord for any contacts sharing a household address.

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Merge Contacts with the Same Address will combine any records having thesame address (street address, city, postal code, country) into a singlerecord. If a household record already exists in which multiple individualsshare an address, the household will be exported as the combined record. Ifno household record exists, the records will be combined and the Addresseefield will list the contact names, comma-separated. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Merge Contacts with the Same Address will combine any records having thesame address (street address, city, postal code, country) into a singlerecord. If a household record already exists in which multiple individualsshare an address, the household will be exported as the combined record. Ifno household record exists, the records will be combined and the Addresseefield will list the contact names, comma-separated.

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Memberships can be automatically granted to related contacts by selecting aRelationship Type. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Memberships can be automatically granted to related contacts by selecting aRelationship Type.

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Membership types are used to categorize memberships. You can define anunlimited number of types. Each type incorporates a 'name' (Gold Member,Honor Society Member...), a description, a minimum fee (can be $0), and aduration (can be 'lifetime'). Each member type is specifically linked tothe membership entity (organization) - e.g. Bay Area Chapter. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Membership types are used to categorize memberships. You can define anunlimited number of types. Each type incorporates a 'name' (Gold Member,Honor Society Member...), a description, a minimum fee (can be $0), and aduration (can be 'lifetime'). Each member type is specifically linked tothe membership entity (organization) - e.g. Bay Area Chapter.

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Membership status is normally assigned and updated automatically based onyour configured membership status rules. However, if you want to assign astatus manually and bypass automated status setting, choose either"Override Permanently" or "Override Until Selected Date", Then you canselect from the available status options. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Membership status is normally assigned and updated automatically based onyour configured membership status rules. However, if you want to assign astatus manually and bypass automated status setting, choose either"Override Permanently" or "Override Until Selected Date", Then you canselect from the available status options.

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Membership signups on or after this day of the month cover the rest of themonth plus the specified number of months. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Membership signups on or after this day of the month cover the rest of themonth plus the specified number of months.

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Membership signups on or after this date cover the following calendar yearas well. Example: If the rollover day is November 30, membership period forsignups during December will cover the following year. Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. Détails

Membership signups on or after this date cover the following calendar yearas well. Example: If the rollover day is November 30, membership period forsignups during December will cover the following year.

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