Prio | Chaîne originale | Traduction | — |
If you want Administrator of your organization to receive each PCPNotification receipt, enter one or more email addresses here. Multipleemail addresses should be separated by a comma (e.g., First Email will be sent to PCP user for support. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you want Administrator of your organization to receive each PCPNotification receipt, enter one or more email addresses here. Multipleemail addresses should be separated by a comma (e.g., First Email will be sent to PCP user for support.
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If you use this option, you may want to use a table layout to format theoutput from the contribution token(s). In this case select the 'Table Cell'separator, and each contribution instance will be placed in it's own tablecell. Alternatively, you can use the simple 'Comma' separator which willsimply separate the contribution amounts and / or dates with commas (e.g.'Thank you for your generous contributions of $150.00, $200.00, $450.00this year.'). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you use this option, you may want to use a table layout to format theoutput from the contribution token(s). In this case select the 'Table Cell'separator, and each contribution instance will be placed in it's own tablecell. Alternatively, you can use the simple 'Comma' separator which willsimply separate the contribution amounts and / or dates with commas (e.g.'Thank you for your generous contributions of $150.00, $200.00, $450.00this year.').
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If you use a payment processor service where credit card and billinginformation is collected <strong>on your site</strong> it is stronglyrecommended that you create or obtain an <strong>SSL certificate</strong>and configure your webserver to support SSL connections. Consult yourhosting provider or web-server documentation for more information onobtaining and installing SSL certificates. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you use a payment processor service where credit card and billinginformation is collected <strong>on your site</strong> it is stronglyrecommended that you create or obtain an <strong>SSL certificate</strong>and configure your webserver to support SSL connections. Consult yourhosting provider or web-server documentation for more information onobtaining and installing SSL certificates.
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If you uncheck "Discounts by Signup Date" and Save this form, anyexisting discount sets will be deleted. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you uncheck "Discounts by Signup Date" and Save this form, anyexisting discount sets will be deleted.
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If you think you may be importing additional data from the same datasource, check 'Save this field mapping' at the bottom of the page beforecontinuing. The saved mapping can then be easily reused the next time datais imported. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you think you may be importing additional data from the same datasource, check 'Save this field mapping' at the bottom of the page beforecontinuing. The saved mapping can then be easily reused the next time datais imported.
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If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with anexisting record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts".Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates andmerge them if appropriate. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you think this may be a duplicate contact which should be merged with anexisting record - Go to "Contacts >> Find and Merge Duplicate Contacts".Use the strict rule for Organizations to find the potential duplicates andmerge them if appropriate.
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If you specify a payment method then this batch will be limited toexporting only transactions paid with that method. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you specify a payment method then this batch will be limited toexporting only transactions paid with that method.
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If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed). Registration for this eventrequires approval. You will receive an email once your registration hasbeen reviewed. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed). Registration for this eventrequires approval. You will receive an email once your registration hasbeen reviewed.
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If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed). Please go back to the mainregistration page and reduce the number of additional people. You will alsoneed to complete payment information. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed). Please go back to the mainregistration page and reduce the number of additional people. You will alsoneed to complete payment information.
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If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you skip this participant there will be enough spaces in the event foryour group (you will not be wait listed).
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If you select multiple privacy options, your choices are combined with ORstatements by default. EXAMPLE: If you select 'Do not phone' and 'Do notemail', results will include contacts who have either or both preferences.If you want to return only contacts with both preferences, select the ANDoperator. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you select multiple privacy options, your choices are combined with ORstatements by default. EXAMPLE: If you select 'Do not phone' and 'Do notemail', results will include contacts who have either or both preferences.If you want to return only contacts with both preferences, select the ANDoperator.
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If you select a membership type, a membership will be created or renewedwhen users select this option. Leave this column blank for non-membershipoptions (e.g. magazine subscription). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you select a membership type, a membership will be created or renewedwhen users select this option. Leave this column blank for non-membershipoptions (e.g. magazine subscription).
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If you select a default online contribution page for self-servicemembership renewals, a "renew" link pointing to that page will bedisplayed on the Contact Dashboard for memberships which were enteredoffline. You will need to ensure that the membership block for the selectedonline contribution page includes any currently available memberships. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you select a default online contribution page for self-servicemembership renewals, a "renew" link pointing to that page will bedisplayed on the Contact Dashboard for memberships which were enteredoffline. You will need to ensure that the membership block for the selectedonline contribution page includes any currently available memberships.
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If you select "Override Permanently", The status you assign will remainin force, unless it is again modified on this screen. If you select"Override Until Selected Date", it will behave same as "OverridePermanently" but will revert to "No" once the selected date is reached.As long as the Membership Override is active, the automated membershipstatus update script will NOT update this membership record. | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you select "Override Permanently", The status you assign will remainin force, unless it is again modified on this screen. If you select"Override Until Selected Date", it will behave same as "OverridePermanently" but will revert to "No" once the selected date is reached.As long as the Membership Override is active, the automated membershipstatus update script will NOT update this membership record.
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If you plan on using this price set for membership signup and renewal, youcan not also use it for Events or Contributions. However, a membershipprice set may include additional fields for non-membership options thatrequire an additional fee (e.g. magazine subscription). | Vous devez vous connecter pour ajouter une traduction. | Détails | |
If you plan on using this price set for membership signup and renewal, youcan not also use it for Events or Contributions. However, a membershipprice set may include additional fields for non-membership options thatrequire an additional fee (e.g. magazine subscription).
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